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Aughnacloy Primary School, 1 Carnteel Road, Aughnacloy, Co.Tyrone BT69 6DU

Roots of Empathy Lesson - What baby Noah likes and dislikes.

13th May 2019

Mrs Moore's class enjoyed another Roots of Empathy visit from baby Noah and his Mummy on Friday afternoon. This was our first afternoon visit and it was lovely for us to observe Noah at a different time of the day. We were all really excited to see him walking by himself and observe all the changes in him, since his last visit. The theme we are learning about now, explores what it means to like or dislike something. We watched as baby Noah ate his favourite food, banana. He couldn't get enough of it and kept looking for more. Then Noah's mummy gave him some apple slices and his reaction was completely different. We watched as he put the apple to his mouth and then quickly set it aside. Again and again he repeated the same action. He clearly disliked the taste and texture. We had great discussions about different foods we like or dislike and how our tastes have changed as we have got older. We had another super Roots of Empathy session and cannot believe that our time with Noah is almost over. We have learnt so much over the course of the year.