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Aughnacloy Primary School, 1 Carnteel Road, Aughnacloy, Co.Tyrone BT69 6DU

Roots of Empathy - Communication Theme

24th Apr 2018

This week in Roots of Empathy we are learning about the different ways that we can communicate with people. For example, talking, writing things down, drawing, singing, signing and body language. Darren read us a story entitled 'Dear, Juno.' In this story the boy cannot read or write and he decides to draw pictures and post them to his grandmother who lives far away. We learn about many different ways that we can communicate with others, without even saying a word. We are looking forward to baby Ella visiting our class tomorrow. We will be able to see how she communicates with her Mummy and also with us. It has been a while since Ella's last visit and it will be interesting to notice any changes during this time. In Literacy today we started to make a Nursery Rhyme booklet for baby Ella. We know that she enjoys our singing and hopefully she will like it when we share some of the rhymes and songs with her tomorrow too. We are enjoying making the book for Ella and her Mummy. We just love Roots of Empathy. The photographs show how much we enjoyed drawing and illustrating our favourite Nursery Rhymes.