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Aughnacloy Primary School, 1 Carnteel Road, Aughnacloy, Co.Tyrone BT69 6DU

An Interview with the Friday 'Fish Man'

16th Sep 2016

On Friday 16th September the boys and girls in Mrs Moore's P3 and P4 class took a stroll up the town to interview John, who comes to Aughnacloy on a Friday with his Fish stall. Our World Around Us topic at the minute is 'Under the Sea' and the boys and girls decided that we could ask John about the fish he sells, how he catches them etc. In class we worked in groups to generate questions and then we went to interview John. We found out a lot of information and John shared his experiences with fishing on the West Coast of Ireland. We certainly had a very informative morning and John was really impressed with the children's questions. We cannot recommend John's fish highly enough. He is a true gentleman. We will have to call back with him another day to buy some of his fish and cook it in school. Just in case you didn't know, fish is full of Omega 3 which is great brain food!